Anything, Powered by Zappos


Zappos has always been known for their outstanding customer service. “Anything” is an initiative by Zappos that provides customer service for any task under the sun, from finding N95 masks for nurses during the pandemic to helping find a pizzeria open late for a midnight snack.

They needed a website to clearly communicate their customer service offering, show the friendly faces behind the scenes, and add legitimacy and approachability.


→ Web Design

→ Senior Designer


The Anything website

The Zappos team heard from customers that their “Anything” offer was confusing. Two main questions from customers were “Can I really ask for help with anything?” and “Who will be answering my questions?” The new website answers those questions by showing a range of questions a user could ask and putting real Zappos customer service members from and center.



All photography on the site is custom and features Zappos team members to show the real people behind the customer service. The shoot was taken to show people in possible situations you might need help paired with customer service representatives taking calls as they “work from home.”


Anything for Business

After launching the consumer-focused “Anything” website, the Zappos team wanted to extend their offerings and created “Anything for Business” to target teams who needed supplemental customer service. With new positioning as a B2B company, they needed an additional website to explain their business offerings and benefits. We kept the fun of the B2C website and buttoned it up to speak to a business audience.



The site was designed and built with a library of custom components so that it would be able to grow as the Zappos team and offerings expanded.


Next Project

Created at: Between State
Collaborators: Connor McDunn